Once your appointment date and time is confirmed, please complete your Patient Registration online.

    You may also be asked to complete a childhood developmental history. If so, please complete this form as well.

    What to bring

    • A referral from your local doctor (GP) is required. You will not be able to access a Medicare rebate without a valid referral. Please check your referral before all review appointments. A referral from your local doctor lasts for 12 months. A specialist referral only lasts for 3 months.
    • Medicare card.
    • Infant health record (Green book in Victoria), especially if your child is under 2 years of age.
    • Copies of any previous assessments, reports, school reports or investigations that may be relevant to your referral.
    • Snacks and activities for your child to entertain them while waiting for your appointment.

    ​What to Expect

    Developmental assessments and assessments for Autism Spectrum Disorder are conducted over a minimum of 2 sessions. The first appointment is longer at 45-60 minutes, the second shorter at 30 minutes. Further sessions may also be required.

    Developmental or behavioural questionnaires may be provided after your first visit. Please return these prior to your follow-up visit to allow them to be reviewed.

    A letter or report will be provided to your local doctor at the completion of your child's assessment.


    Details of fees can be obtained on request from reception and are provided when booking an appointment.

    A standard reduced fee may be available for healthcare card and pension card holders. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact the clinic to discuss payment options.

    Additional fees may apply for:

    • Questionnaires
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis and management plan (Medicare item number -135)
    • Cancellation within 24 hours of appointment (25% of scheduled fee) or failure to attend without cancellation (40% of scheduled fee)


    Clinic patients will be sent a text message reminder of you child's appointment. Please ensure the correct mobile number has been provided.

    ​If you are unable to attend or need to change your appointment please notify the clinic as soon as possible to allow other children who are waiting to obtain an earlier appointment.


    Please arrange for your own interpreter if an onsite interpreter is required. Alternatively a phone interpreter can be arranged if notification is provided.


    If questions or concerns arise between visits you or your GP can contact Dr Madhwan through the clinic.

    1. WilliamstownKIDS
  • Useful Links

    Purple logo
    Period of PURPLE Crying

    The Period of PURPLE Crying is a new way to help parents understand this time in their baby's life, which is a normal part of every infant's development.


    Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne
    Royal Children's Hospital

    The Royal Children's Hospital website is dedicated to providing quality, up-to-date health information. Their fact sheets have been developed for parents and adolescents, and cover pertinent topics about medical conditions and the services available at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne.


    Raising Children
    Raising Children

    Raising Children is the complete resource for Australian parents, taking you from pregnancy to newborns to teenagers. They offer evidence-based content you can trust on hundreds of topics about raising children and looking after yourself as a parent.


    National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
    National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)

    The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. The role of the NDIA is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.



    Amaze raises awareness and influences positive change for people on the autism spectrum and their families/supporters and provides independent, credible information and resources to individuals, families, professionals, government and the wider community.


    2. Useful links
Dr Rachel Madhwan Melbourne Paediatrician

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